My Praise, Prayer, Worship and Sermon Notes Journal - green & black hat edition
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168 pages
How many times have you listened to a great sermon and days later find that it’s difficult to recall the important points of the message?
The message touched you, moved you, and you committed to its general plan of action, but only days later, it’s a faded memory. My Praise, Prayer, Worship and Sermon Notes Journal by Urban Spirit! Publishing and Media Co. is designed to overcome those challenges.
Usually before the main message we prepare our hearts for the message by listening to music, sometimes led by the choir. We review a particular passage of scripture that helps to prepare our minds. This book is designed to put you in the right place for worship. It helps you to go through the steps that make worship fundamental in our lives. It’s also a place to record your notes from the message so that you can access the main points and apply them to your life today and every day.
Take My Praise Prayer Worship and Sermon Notes Journal to church, have it ready for streaming and Zoom services, share one with a friend who may have missed the message, and share the important points that will enhance your life and the lives of others.